Friday, September 15, 2006


Hi folks! Sorry that I have not been able to write often. I have been pretty busy. It is hard to believe that the third week of school has already come to an end!
I'm not sure what I wrote the last time, so so if I repeat myself, sorry! I have a huge blessing to share first: I was given a car! I now have a 1991 Toyota Corolla. I'll still drive my tank around when it works well. I knew I was going to need to get a new car eventually, but I just put that on the back burner. God supplied my need before I ever even prayed about it! I am very thankful He provided, despite my lack of faith in Him.
I am also blessed to be teaching. I can not say that everything has gone the way I wanted or planned, but God has been teaching me through this experience and service for Him already. I know I still have a long way to go.
It is interesting to see what a small world it is. I have met other people here that know others from home and Fairhaven. I just find it neat.
I have gotten involved in the nursery, choir, and Operation Go (a soul winning program in the form of a class). I attend the College and Career Sunday School (I'm not old enough for the Career Singles class - the name of the class makes me sounds like they are making a career out of being single!).
I am looking forward to seeing God's plan for my life unfold. I still can not believe I am teaching in Virginia! I had no idea that the Lord would lead me here. I would love to hear from you if you have the time to respond. I miss my friends and family, but I do hope to see many while I am home for Christmas break.
In His service,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a blessing about your car! God will supply what you need, when you need it!!