Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Please pray

I am curently waiting for some test results. I have been having some pain in my side, back, and stomach. It has been happening frequently the last few weeks. I was fianlly able to see a doctor on Monday, but I have been unimpressed with her. New insurance, new doctor. I was there at 3:30, my appointment was for 3:45 and I wasn't called back until 4:45. Not a fun wait.
Then, I had to go back on Tuesday for lab work and x-rays. I would like to know what is causing this pain.


DaCatster said...

I will pray,

Sounds like me, I just had a CT of my abdomen (baruim taste gross), pain for over a year.

Can't wait to see you

Courtney, Jer.33:3 said...

I'm sorry you have not been feeling well. I'll pray that the Dr. will find your problem soon!

CindyMae said...

Nicole, I will be praying for you and asking God to give the doctors the wisdom they need to treat you and show what is going on. I do pray that you are feeling better soon and that this is nothing serious.

NoHayNada said...

Be praying for God's will on this matter.
Also, would like to share with you the following newspaper article please clickhere