Sunday, September 07, 2008

Talk Straight .org

Hey! Go check this out!

Convention Petition

The Conventions are here and the American people are still being robbed of a decent political dialogue.

Barack Obama has broken his promises to seek public financing. He has pandered on the issues, but never left his political ideology. He has continually lied attempting to skew the debate calling John McCain, “Bush’s third term.”

Below you can sign the petition to demand that the Democratic Nominee Talk Straight.

We’re randomly giving away 5 FREE shirts during the two Conventions. Take a look at the sidebar to see the new shirt. has sponsored this project, so head over a get a shirt. They’ve lowered the price - just for us! Wear it around town and make a statement.

Bloggers who blog about this contest receive two entries.

Only one entry per person.

  1. Return political donations that have been contributed illegally
  2. Release any and all school records belonging to you or your wife
  3. Publicly denounce past associates of or relating to William Ayers, Tony Rezko, and Jermiah Wright
  4. Donate $300,000 to charity that you saved after receiving a sweetheart mortgage deal
  5. Honor your previous commitment to hold townhalls with John McCain

Barack Obama, we the people of the United States, demand that you Talk Straight.

The Undersigned,

1 comment:

DaCatster said...

FYI do you know where Nobama threw the first mudd at?

My home town of Terre Haute.

just like you would like the tid bit